This sequel to "Happiness is a Four-Letter Word" finds Zaza, Princess and Zim living new chapters of their lives amid loss, family grudges and new love.
Five years later from where we left our characters, again tackling sisterhood and friendship, this time with the inclusion of a new romantic arc.
ผู้กำกับ: Thabang Moleya
Is Happiness Ever After on Netflix?
Are they going to put After Ever Happy on Netflix?
Is Happiness ever after a sequel?
What happens in happiness ever after?
This sequel to "Happiness Is a Four-Letter Word" finds Zaza, Princess and Zim living new chapters of their lives amid loss, family grudges and new love.
· รีวิวโดย Barbara Shulgasser-Parker
17 ก.พ. 2023 · Three Black female friends face challenges in their personal lives. Zaza (Khanyi Mbau) struggles to keep her kids and wealth after the death of her tycoon ...
18 พ.ย. 2021 · Happiness Ever After picks up about five years after the events of the original. Once again, the women are navigating love, relationships, happiness and hurt.
Happiness Ever After (2021) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.