The Fund seeks to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns and capital growth by investing primarily in European equities and equity related securities.
The Fund seeks to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns and capital growth by investing primarily in European equities and equity related securities.
Dividend Frequency ; 5.17%, 3.24%, 8.26%, 60.71% ; Category, 4.08%, 2.59%, 6.65%, 7.54%.
This website is a marketing communication and a financial promotion related to Eleva UCITS Fund (hereafter "the Fund"), an open-ended SICAV.
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Latest dividend. Registration, Payment, Coupon date, Frequency of payments, Last dividend. 31/12/2021, 10/01/2022, 03/01/2022, Annual, 17.05431758 EUR ...
The Fund seeks to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns and capital growth by investing primarily in European equities and equity related securities.
The Fund seeks to achieve superior long-term risk adjusted returns and capital growth by investing primarily in European equities and equity related securities.
LU1111642408 ELEVA UCITS Fd European Selection Fd A1 EUR Cap. Last NAV, 30/09/2024, 215.65 EUR -0.74 %. DocumentsTaxesDividendsHist. PricesPriceOrder Ref.
• Sale of shares in the Sub-Fund can be made on any business day. • The Share Class does not intend to distribute dividends. Any income arising from the. Sub ...
... dividends, cash dividends and cash distributions receivable by the Fund ... Eleva UCITS Fund – Eleva European Selection Fund (the “Eleva European Selection Fund”) ...