Free! Timeless Medley is a 2017 Japanese animated film series produced by Kyoto Animation and Animation Do. The first two films, The Bond (絆, Kizuna) and ...
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Sosuke Yamazaki, Rin's childhood friend, transfers into Rin's school with one goal in mind, to swim once more against his friend, even though he suffers ...
!-Timeless Medley- Yakusoku) is the second and final film in the Timeless Medley film duology. It focuses on the Samezuka Swimming Club and its members, most ...
Rin Matsuoka's childhood friend, Sousuke Yamazaki, has recently transferred to Samezuka Academy. Upon their reunion, the two reminisce about their childhood ...
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Second part of Free!: Timeless Medley. The second movie, that recaps mostly Eternal Summer and a little bit of season 1. Focuses on Rin and Samezuka.
ÇÔ´ÕâÍÊÓËÃѺ gekijouban free! timeless medley: yakusoku 2017
26 ¡.¾. 2018 · Since young, Rin Matsuoka (voiced by Mamoru Miyano 宫野真守 ...
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â¾ÊµìáÅéÇ: 26 ¡.¾. 2018
Free! The Movie -Timeless Medley- the Promise ; Premiere date: 2017-07-01 (Japan). 2018-11-11 (Argentina) ; Ending Theme: "RISING FREE" by STYLE FIVE - Nobunaga ...
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Rin Matsuoka loves swimming! Especially his childhood friend Haruka he wants to beat at all costs. But then his old friend Sosuke shows up, ...
Sosuke Yamazaki, Rin's childhood friend, transfers into Rin's school with one goal in mind, to swim once more against his friend.
Free!-Timeless Medley- is a pair of films released by Kyoto Animation and Animation Do in 2017. They are based on the first two seasons of the series Free!