Synopsis. Affluent and aimless, Conrad Valmont lives a life of leisure in his parents' prestigious Manhattan hotel. In the span of one week, he finds himself evicted, disinherited, and in love.
Conrad was the son of a Parisian entrepreneur and a Caledonian debutante. His father, Jean-Louis Valmont, owned the Valmont Hotel as had his father and his ...
คะแนน (13,604)
Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman) lives a life of leisure and laziness within the comfortable surroundings of a Manhattan hotel belonging to his parents. As a job, ...
5 ก.ย. 2014 · Jason Bateman stars as Conrad Valmont, a ridiculously wealthy child of privilege who has thus far frittered away his life on wine, women and a career as a ...
15 ก.พ. 2024 · It follows Conrad Valmont (Bateman), a spoiled, trust fund, forty-year-old man who has no discernible direction in life, and is always in the “gathering stages ...
คะแนน (30) · US$8.83
Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman, Juno, Horrible Bosses) is the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune.
Listen to The Valmont on Spotify. Song · Jay Israelson · 2014.
9 ธ.ค. 2021 · As he eases into adulthood at the age of forty, Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman), the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune, is cut off ...
วิดีโอสำหรับ the longest week the valmont
11 ก.ย. 2014 · Conrad Valmont has problems and money isn't one of them…until now. A light-hearted romantic ...
ระยะเวลา: 2:04
โพสต์แล้ว: 11 ก.ย. 2014
1 ก.ย. 2014 · A frequent, insufferably omniscient voiceover (by Larry Pine) introduces luxury hotel heir Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman), who's pushing 40 and ...