Synopsis. Affluent and aimless, Conrad Valmont lives a life of leisure in his parents' prestigious Manhattan hotel. In the span of one week, he finds himself evicted, disinherited, and in love.
Conrad was the son of a Parisian entrepreneur and a Caledonian debutante. His father, Jean-Louis Valmont, owned the Valmont Hotel as had his father and his ...
What's the movie The Longest Week About Summary?
What happens at the end of the longest week?
Is The Longest Week a good movie?
Who is the narrator in the longest week?
Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman) lives a life of leisure and laziness within the comfortable surroundings of a Manhattan hotel belonging to his parents. As a job, ...
5 ก.ย. 2014 · Jason Bateman stars as Conrad Valmont, a ridiculously wealthy child of privilege who has thus far frittered away his life on wine, women and a career as a ...
15 ก.พ. 2024 · It follows Conrad Valmont (Bateman), a spoiled, trust fund, forty-year-old man who has no discernible direction in life, and is always in the gathering stages ...
(30) · US$8.83
Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman, Juno, Horrible Bosses) is the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune.
Listen to The Valmont on Spotify. Song · Jay Israelson · 2014.
9 ธ.ค. 2021 · As he eases into adulthood at the age of forty, Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman), the over-educated, under-employed heir to the Valmont Hotel fortune, is cut off ...
1 ก.ย. 2014 · A frequent, insufferably omniscient voiceover (by Larry Pine) introduces luxury hotel heir Conrad Valmont (Jason Bateman), who's pushing 40 and ...