Triggered: Directed by Christopher Wesley Moore. With Meredith Mohler, Jesse Dalton, Sam Furman, Keni Bounds. Two teenagers fake an attack by a legendary ...
คะแนน (16)
Sex, drugs, violence, suicide, anger, and depression. When a group of troubled teenagers join a secret chat room, a downward spiral into destruction awaits.
Triggered is a South African horror-comedy film co-written and directed by Alastair Orr. The film stars Reine Swart, Liesl Ahlers, Russell Crous, Steven John ...
Two attention-seeking teens stage an attack by a legendary serial killer, but their plan backfires when the stunt causes the real killer to resurface.
คะแนน (27)
A social justice warrior and her friend fake an attack by a legendary serial killer for a little attention, but the plan backfires when this triggers the real ...
วิดีโอสำหรับ Triggered (2019)
29 ก.ย. 2018 · TRIGGERED Official Trailer Movie in theatre 2019 © 2018 - CWM Entertainment.
ระยะเวลา: 2:28
โพสต์แล้ว: 29 ก.ย. 2018
TRIGGERED is a disturbing, haunting, unforgettable and timely drama starring Justin Long and Melanie Lynskey.