Triggered: Directed by Christopher Wesley Moore. With Meredith Mohler, Jesse Dalton, Sam Furman, Keni Bounds. Two teenagers fake an attack by a legendary ...
Sex, drugs, violence, suicide, anger, and depression. When a group of troubled teenagers join a secret chat room, a downward spiral into destruction awaits.
Triggered is a South African horror-comedy film co-written and directed by Alastair Orr. The film stars Reine Swart, Liesl Ahlers, Russell Crous, Steven John ...
Two attention-seeking teens stage an attack by a legendary serial killer, but their plan backfires when the stunt causes the real killer to resurface.
What is the movie triggered about?
Who is the cast of triggered 2019?
Where was the movie Triggered filmed?
A social justice warrior and her friend fake an attack by a legendary serial killer for a little attention, but the plan backfires when this triggers the real ...
TRIGGERED is a disturbing, haunting, unforgettable and timely drama starring Justin Long and Melanie Lynskey.