One of many extraordinary events captured by David Attenborough's “The Year Earth Changed,” a documentary about the significant change that took place during the course of a year of lockdowns, and nature's phenomenal ability to bounce back when and if given a chance.
The Year Earth Changed is a 2021 nature documentary film about the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on nature directed by Tom Beard.
คะแนน (5,183)
People all over the world have had the chance to engage with nature like never before.A fresh new approach to the global lockdown and the uplifting stories that ...
4 มิ.ย. 2021 · The film covers five continents, is narrated by the “voice” of nature films, Sir David Attenborough, with glorious cinematography and accompanied by a soaring ...
คะแนน (11)
In just 45 minutes, this inspiring documentary shows the ways in which people have affected animals and how the animals recovered in 2020 when human activity ...
คะแนน · รีวิวโดย Polly Conway
The Year Earth Changed is a nature documentary about changes in wildlife habits during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
24 เม.ย. 2021 · The Year Earth Changed is a documentary film narrated by David Attenborough that follows the positive effect of global lockdown on nature.
29 ก.ย. 2022 · “The Year Earth Changed”depicts a variety of ecosystem changes, from Assam, India to Southeast Alaska. In the wake of an accidental global ...
7 ม.ค. 2022 · The new documentary investigates the environmental impacts of temporary pandemic shutdowns — and how to harness that momentum for good.
Narrated by David Attenborough, never-before-seen footage shows how our living in lockdown opened the door for nature to bounce back and thrive.
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