opening hours from
... Hours According to a poll, undertaken before the new law in June 2003 by the 'institute of trade research' (Institut für Handelsforschung) in Cologne, 92% of consumers interviewed plead fundamentally for longer opening hours on ...
opening hours from
... opening hours • Staff-lessness—staff-services not available “Open” or “More Opened” Are the Preferred Terms The term ... Opened” Are the Preferred Terms Open Often Means (Nearly) Always Open.
opening hours from
Richard Trillo. B BASICS Opening hours , public holidays and festivals Opening hours , public holidays and festivals Both Christian and Muslim religious holidays are observed , as well as secular national holidays . Local seasonal and ...
opening hours from
... opening hours: is the strategy of extending the operating hours of the gates. For most container terminals in Europe or Asia, it is common that the quayside is operating around the clock for vessels. However, on the landside, there is ...
opening hours from
... opening hours per borough : 62 hours ; Minimum non - duplicated opening days per year : 324 days ; Weekly schedules : 50 % of opening hours are outside office hours . Quality standards Integrated planning system LIBRARY SERVICE ...
opening hours from
... open as late as midnight . Many of them open on Sundays too . Casas de cambio more or less follow shop hours . However , banks only open on weekdays : opening times depend on the region . In hotter areas , banks open as early as 7am or ...
opening hours from
... open to the public for a portion of the day. In the 19th century, they would regularly be closed on Sundays and at lunchtimes, with closing times further depending on the number of daylight hours. Over the years opening hours have ...
opening hours from
... opening - hour . You say you think it is necessary that the butchers should have greater freedom in opening their ... hours that shops shall be opened and closed ? Does it not rather fix the hours during which the employees shall ...
opening hours from
... Opening Hours (Shops) Act came into force, increasing maximum opening hours from 55 to 96 per week, two preconditions needed to be met before the large retailers could fully profit from the supply of young parttimers. First, they ...