Take our free English grammar level test and find your English level. Tests for reading, listening and vocabulary also available.
The test consists of 40 short multiple-choice questions about English Grammar. We suggest you take 10-15 minutes to complete the test.
Here you will find tests on all topics of our grammar section that are explained in more detail. Simple Present, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Simple ...
The following test contains 50 multiple choice questions related to various fields of English grammar: tenses; modals; conditionals and unreal tenses; indirect ...
Online English Grammar Tests with Answers for Free English Grammar Tests Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced.
Online English Grammar Test. The 30 questions in the test have been devised in order to get a comprehensive picture of your language level.
How well do you know the basic issues of English grammar? Try our quiz and see if you can answer all questions correctly.
Take this online test. There are 60 multiple-choice questions and there is no time limit. You will be able to see the answers when you finish the test.
Find out your level of grammar with this easy 20-minute English placement test. Knowing your level will help you identify strengths and areas for improvement.
This English quiz estimates your level in just 15 minutes, including reading skills (English grammar and vocabulary) and listening skills.