Blackbird (2019) จาก
... Black- bird " in their analysis of her take on " Come Together , " a remix on which Ringo Starr col- laborated . Everett and Kapurch , " Come Together . " Other notable recent covers of " Blackbird " include Emma Stevens's 2019 ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... ( 2019 ) , Blackbird ( 2019 ) , Here Awhile ( 2020 ) —and major TV series like Grey's Anatomy and Grace and Frankie dedicated entire episodes to it . Atul Gawande , Being Mortal : Medicine and What Matters in the End ( New York : Penguin ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
Through elegant poetry, full of exquisite imagery and detail, Quan Lee describes her personal, transformative journey in which she explores how race, class, gender, and sexual identity inform who she is.
Blackbird (2019) จาก
Eerily beautiful, this blackbird planner is dated from 12/31/2018 to 12/31/2019, giving you 53 weeks of organized weekly planning.
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... (2019), while ElizabethJane Burnett's creative use of typography captures the sounds of nature in her novel The Grassling (2019):“Trilllalalickwtrickalickalick!' spills the blackbird' (2019, 173). The Grassling memorialises Burnett's ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... Blackbird 2019: See (TV series); The Dreamer 2019: Red Snow (feature film); Grandmother Ruth 2018: Falls Around Her (feature film); Mary Birchbark 2017: Wind River (feature film); Alice Crowheart 2017: Godless (TV miniseries); Iyovi ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... Blackbird ( 2019 ) and tele- vision programmes such as Way to Go ( 2013 ) and The End ( 2021 ) . If we look at more recent global issues of concern , excluding the COVID pandemic , suicide , particularly youth suicide , is chief among ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... (2019) Hotel Africa: New Short Fiction from Africa. South Africa: Short Story Day Africa. Mohulatsi M (2019) The ... Blackbird Books. Mopai K (2019b) Baba's Jwansburg. In: Mopai K, If You Keep Digging. Auckland Park: Blackbird Books ...
Blackbird (2019) จาก
... Blackbird, 2019. ———. Review of The Truth of God Incarnate, edited by Michael Green. Presbyterion 4.2 (1978) 100–103. Jones, G. H. 1 & 2 Kings. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. Josephus. Antiquities. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1981. Kaiser ...