2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 alpm Ors vgs arm2 . 3. 4 bo : μου > Α 1. 205 Pr gig Cyp arml . α ... 2020 Ors Tyc gig vg Cyps arm bo : επλατυναν 42 * . 82. 201. 325. 337 ... 2067 gig vg Cyp s arm bo : αυτουσ 2037 : > 046.21 ( -35- 205. 468 ) . 250 almu Ors ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2020 | εδίδασκεν ANC 025. 1 . 2015. 2036 2037. 2050. 2067 al Pr gig vg : εδιδαξεν ο46 . 21 ( -2050 ) alma Orsl . 2 arm1 . 2. 3 a bo : διδασκει arms | τω Βαλ . AC 104 : εν τω Βαλ . 1. 94 : τον Βαλ . μ ' 21 ( -35 * ) . 250 . 2037. 2038 Or ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2020 | εδίδασκεν ANC 025. Ι . 2015. 2036 2037 2050. 2067 al Pr gig vg : εδιδαξεν ο46 . 21 ( -2050 ) alma Ors sl.2 arml . 2. 3 a_bo : διδασκει arm4 | τω Βαλ . AC 104 : εν τω Βαλ . 1. 94 : τον Βαλ . Ν 21 ( -35 * ) . 250 . 2037. 2038 Or ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 alpm Or vgs arm2 . 3. 4 bo : μου > Α 1. 205 Pr gig Cyp arml . * | ειπεν ] λεγει gig arm1 | οι ερχομενοι ] qui ... 2020 Or Tyc gig vg Cyp s arm bo : επλατυναν 42 * . 82. 201. 325. 337. 385.386.429.452.456.468 * . 498. 522 . 632 ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 2020 1994 1980 1970 1956 19-25 2172 2150 2118 2067 2045 2028 2012 2000 19.5 2226 2200 2166 2117 2097 2080 2061 2050 19-75 2279 2250 2218 2167 2142 2124 2108 2097 20.0 2331 2303 2270 2220 2188 2174 2160 2150 20-25 2386 2357 2320 ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 2020 1994 1980 1970 1956 19-25 2172 2150 2118 2067 2045 2028 2012 2000 19.5 2226 2200 2166 2117 2097 2080 2061 2050 19.75 2279 2250 2218 2167 2142 2124 2108 2097 20.0 2331 2303 2270 2220 2188 2174 2160 2150 20-25 2386 2357 2320 ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 1. Elginshire and Nairnshire . Charles - Lennox C. Bruce , esq . Hon . James Grant . Population according to the census of 1861 , 52,760 . 1. Elgin , Cullen , Banff ... 2067 2020 1865 . 1. Greenock . 1868 . Alexander - Murray 76.
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 1. Elginshire and Nairnshire . Charles - Lennox C. Bruce , esq . Hon . James Grant . Population according to ... 2067 2020 Edw . - Stratheran Gordon , esq . 2120 Archibald Smith , esq . 1616 1865 . 1. Greenock . James - J ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067 , 2020 . Fotiadis , Dimitrios I. , 306 , 518 , 653. Author Index A Abeywardena , Sajeeva , 1515 , 1545 , 1571 Accardo , Agostino , 62 , 125 , 133 , 559 , 1129 , 1853 Accardo , Rossana , 1028 ...
2067 (2020) จาก
... 2067-2020-4-37-45 Ketoeva, N., Kiseleva, M., & Dranitsyna, V. (2021a). Development of a mechanism for the Management of University Research Activities Based on the principles of sustainable develop- ment. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol ...