Ya Boy Kongming is a Japanese manga series written by Yuto Yotsuba and illustrated by Ryo Ogawa [ja]. The series was serialized on Kodansha's Comic Days ...
What is the plot of Ya Boy Kongming?
Is Ya Boy Kongming on Disney Plus?
Is Ya Boy Kongming getting a season 2?
Who is the main protagonist in Ya Boy Kongming?
Kongming wakes up in modern-day Tokyo with a younger body and his memories intact. Thrust into an unfamiliar world, he finds his way into a nightclub and meets ...
Ancient strategist Kongming is transported to modern Japan. He'll use military tactics to turn his new friend Eiko into a music star.
This is a community site dedicated to the manga series Ya Boy Kongming! Also known as Paripi Koumei as well as its anime series.
Past and present collide when Kongming and Kabe face off in the most epic rap battle in history! Who will drop superior bars and walk away victorious?
Eiko Tsukimi (月見英子, Tsukimi Eiko) is the female protagonist of Ya Boy Kongming series. She is an amateur singer at BB Lounge and hopes to make her debut ...
Plot Summary: General of the Three Kingdoms, Kongming, had struggled his whole life, facing countless battles that made him into the accomplished strategist ...