A fracking horror story, "Unearth" follows two neighboring farm families whose relationships are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an ...
Unearth is a 2020 American horror film directed and edited by John C. Lyons and Dorota Swies, from a screenplay by Lyons and Kelsey Goldberg.
A creeping terror has been released from the depths of his fertile land while George's family become shadows of their former selves.
What happened at the end of Unearth?
What is the movie Unearth about?
Where was Unearthed filmed?
พ.ศ. 2563 ‧ สยองขวัญ/ชีวิต ‧ 1 ชม. 34 นาที
Unearth เป็นภาพยนตร์สยองขวัญอเมริกันปี 2020 ที่กำกับและตัดต่อโดย John C. วิกิพีเดีย (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
ฉายครั้งแรก: 25 สิงหาคม 2563
ผู้กำกับ: จอห์น ซี. ลิญงส์และDorota Swies
A fracking horror story, "Unearth" follows two neighboring farm families whose relationships are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an ...
22 ส.ค. 2022 · Two feuding, financially struggling farm families suffer the deadly consequences of a grossly disfiguring, mind-altering fungal infection.
20 พ.ค. 2024 · The bond between two neighboring farm families is put to the test when one of them chooses to lease their land to a gas company.
The relationship between two neighboring farm families are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an oil and gas company.