Spivak: Directed by Anthony Abrams, Adam Larson Broder. With Michael Bacall, Maggie Lawson, Elden Henson, Mark Webber. Struggling writer Wally Spivak is ...
คะแนน (14)
Struggling writer Wally Spivak is stuck in a rut -- until he meets an engaged couple and starts to see life in a whole new light.
วิดีโอสำหรับ Spivak (2018)
12 เม.ย. 2019 · Watch Spivak on Netflix -
ระยะเวลา: 2:35
โพสต์แล้ว: 12 เม.ย. 2019
Struggling writer Wally Spivak is stuck in a rut -- until he meets a charming, free-spirited couple and starts to see life in a new way.
Struggling writer Wally Spivak is stuck in a rut until he meets an engaged couple and starts to see life in a whole new way. SpivakDirected by Anthony Abrams, Adam Larson Broder.
A self-loathing, failed Eastside novelist living in the 'hipster' neighborhood of Echo Park in Los Angeles is shocked to find himself falling in love with ...
คะแนน (1)
Struggling writer Wally Spivak is stuck in a rut - - until he meets an engaged couple and starts to see life in a whole new way.