The film stars Lora Burke as Kate, a woman who lives an isolated cabin with her daughter Beth (Tessa Kozma) after her husband is sent to prison.
What is the plot twist in Motherly?
Is Motherly a good movie?
Is Motherly based on a true story?
What is the movie Motherly 2021 about?
Kate (Lora Burke) and her daughter Beth live alone in an isolated farmhouse in the woods, but when Kate slowly begins to suspect that something sinister is ...
Motherly เป็นภาพยนตร์ระทึกขวัญสยองขวัญแนวจิตวิทยาของแคนาดาที่ออกฉายในปี 2021 กำกับโดย Craig David Wallace ภาพยนตร์เรื่องนี้นำแสดงโดย Lora Burke ในบท Kate ผู้หญิงที่อาศัยอยู่ในกระท่อมแยกกับ Beth ลูกสาวของเธอ... วิกิพีเดีย (ภาษาอังกฤษ)
ฉายครั้งแรก: 1 กันยายน 2564
ผู้กำกับ: เคร็ก วอลเลซ
A single mother is attacked by a vengeful couple who believe she's responsible for their daughter's murder.
9 ก.พ. 2023 · A single mother living in an isolated farm house is attacked by a vengeful couple who believe she's responsible for their daughter's murder.
This little thriller starts out well, with a mother and daughter sequestered in the countryside--which the latter is growing bored and petulant about.
28 มิ.ย. 2023 · A single mother and her daughter try to start a new life after her husband -- convicted of murdering a young girl -- kills himself in prison.
Kate and her daughter Beth live alone in an isolated farmhouse in the woods, but when Kate slowly begins to suspect that something sinister is happening, ...