Bryan Adams: the best days of my life are now

Rock’s Mr Nice Guy talks to Michael Odell about being vegan, teetotal and saying no drugs

Bryan Adams at his London studio
Bryan Adams at his London studio
The Sunday Times

How accurately do you recall the summer of ’69? You know, Bryan Adams bought his first real six-string, over at the five and dime. He played it till his fingers bled, wrote a few stone-cold bangers, but then of course, annoyingly, Jimmy quit, Jodie got married and it all went tits up.

So were they really the best days of Bryan’s life? No. Those are now.

“Oh, the best days are now, always now,” the Canadian singer enthuses. “When I wrote that song I was trying hard to imagine or fantasise what life would hold, but I’m there now and, you know, it’s great.”

For most people, the summer of ’69 was about the Beatles playing on the roof at the Apple building, Woodstock and