George Michael's song lyrics/lines

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a man wearing sunglasses with a quote on it
Careless Whisper▪︎George Michael (1984)
a man with his hand up in the air and an inscription above him that reads, well if you would be nice if i could touch your body
a black and white photo with a poem written in the middle, on top of a wooden floor
two pictures with the same caption for each one in front of an empty blue screen
Let's go outside...
an advertisement for michael jackson's album, what's george michael?
an advertisement for a women's clothing company
an open book with writing on it
From "Bare"
an open book with the words george written in blue on it's front cover
George George
an old handwritten letter with writing on it
George Michael
a poem written in black and white with the words'from trench to george '
So beautiful ♥♥♥
an autographed letter signed by george krayson to his mother, mary ann
Lettre de Georgios KP
an old letter with writing on it
the letter from frank shanata to his mother
Catherine Rampell on X
Frank Sinatra's letter to George Michael about "the tragedy of fame"
a handwritten letter from an unknown person to someone who is not in love with him
a man with sunglasses on standing in front of hearts and saying it's a new day its a new life for me and feeling god
George Michael
two black and white photos with the words kissing a fool on one side and an image of a man holding a surfboard in the other
Kissing A Fool, George Michael
Kissing A Fool b/w Kissing A Fool (Instrumental) George Michael, Columbia Records/USA (1988)
the song for i'm never going to dance
George Michael - Careless Whisper Chords
a poem written on top of a newspaper with an image of a woman's face
#LyricArt for "Jesus to a child" by George Michael
a person standing in the ocean at sunset with a quote from george michael on it
Create Fanfiction & Beautiful Quote Photos
Words ...George Michael
a black and white photo with the words, i'm right but if you looking for fastlov that's love in your eyes, it's more than enough
George Michael - Fastlove.
an image of a screen shot of a poem on the webpage, which has been edited
Cowboys and Angels lyrics -George Michael
a man standing on top of a beach next to the ocean with a quote above it
.... though it's easy to pretend, i know you're not a fool.... beautiful lines from song Careless Whisper! #Lyrics
an advertisement for the band bad boys
Shane Marais on Twitter
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