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'Til I Waltz Again With You

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over 9 years ago

Letras de 'Til I Waltz Again With You de Teresa Brewer

Till I waltz again with you
Let no other hold your charms
If my dreams should all come true
You′ll be waiting for my arms
â€~Til I kiss you once again
Keep my love locked in your heart
Darling, I'll return and then
We will never have to part
Though it may break your heart and mine
The minute when it′s time to go
Remember dear, each word divine
That meant I love you so
Till I waltz again with you
Just the way we are tonight
I will keep my promise true
For you are my guiding light
Till I waltz again with you
Keep my love locked in your heart.
Darling, I'll return and then
We will never have to part
Though it may break your heart and mine
The minute when it's time to go
Remember dear, each word divine
That meant I love you so
Till I waltz again with you
Just the way we are tonight
I will keep my promise true
For you are my guiding light
My light, my light
I will keep my promise true
Till I waltz again with you
Writer(s): Sidney Prosen


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