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The Big Interview: Jason Momoa

The newly single Aquaman lead and Fast X villain gets real about his greatest challenge yet: fighting for change and finding a new path.

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Get Fit At Any Age

Our 17-page special guides you through every decade of life, from future-proofing your body and brain in your twenties to thriving in your fifties and beyond. The rest of your life starts here.

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How We’ll Save The NHS

Our health service is unwell. You’ve read the news stories – staff at breaking point, pitiless waiting times, patients languishing in corridors. The problems it faces are deep and knotty, though hope is not lost. Whether the solutions lie in smarter funding, technological innovation, or even our own actions, there are bright minds at work to find them. MH assembled a team of field-leading thinkers to share their strategies. This is our recovery plan.

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Reach A New Hy With Hunter

Biceps win races, as Hunter McIntyre is fond of hashtagging – but lungs are pretty important, too. Here’s how the competitive fitness scene’s biggest character, Hyrox champion Hunter McIntyre, built an elite set of both.

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Solving Happiness

The question of what makes a person happy is no longer merely a philosophical conundrum. Many now see ‘life satisfaction’ as a metric, and there are countless books, apps and pods pledging to up your score. But with more resources than ever, why are we still so confused, asks Stuart Heritage? Can happiness really be taught?

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Eat, Sleep, Run, Retreat

You know nature’s good for you – it can assuage anxiety, curb blood pressure and bolster mental health. But sometimes a stroll around the park won’t cut it. From eco treehouses to off-grid cabins, these Great British getaways deliver home comforts in a wild environment.