The Natural Beauty of Marina: A Dive into Dorival Caymmi's Classic

The song "Marina" by Dorival Caymmi is a classic Brazilian composition that delves into themes of beauty, possessiveness, and the complexities of romantic relationships. The lyrics express the narrator's affection for Marina, a woman whose natural beauty he admires. He pleads with her not to paint her face, suggesting that her attempts to enhance her appearance are unnecessary. The repetition of the phrase 'Marina, você já é bonita com o que Deus lhe deu' (Marina, you are already beautiful with what God has given you) emphasizes his belief that her beauty is inherent and does not require alteration.

However, the song also reveals a sense of possessiveness and jealousy. The narrator refers to Marina's face as something he likes and claims as 'only mine,' indicating a desire for exclusivity in their relationship. His emotional response to her makeup—becoming upset and unforgiving—suggests a deeper insecurity or fear of losing her. The song captures the tension between admiration for a partner's beauty and the controlling impulses that can arise from deep affection.

Dorival Caymmi, known for his contributions to Brazilian music, particularly samba and bossa nova, often incorporated themes of love, nature, and the sea into his work. "Marina" reflects his style of simple yet profound lyrics, set to melodies that resonate with the warmth and rhythm of Brazilian culture. The song remains a beloved piece in Caymmi's repertoire, capturing the timeless struggle between loving someone as they are and the urge to shape them into an ideal.

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  1. Samba da Minha Terra
  2. Suíte do Pescador
  3. Suite Dos Pescadores
  4. Canção da Partida
  5. Retirantes (Vida de Negro)
  6. Marina
  7. Modinha para Gabriela
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