
The genera of Cactaceae

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz

Yavia R. Kiesling & Piltz

The plants condensed-cactoid; low and very compacted in their entirety. The stems weakly spiny; discoid to globose, or ovoid, or shortly cylindric; 1–2.5 cm in diameter; apically depressed; cephaliate (in the depression). The plants geophytic (mostly comprising the tuberous root); unbranched, or offsetting; erect; solitary, or clustering; to 0.005–0.015 m high. The stems not segmented; not ribbed and grooved (ribs being scarcely detectable along the rows of areoles). The plants not conspicuously tuberculate. The areoles not tubercle-associated (or scarcely so - the tubercles represented by mere undulations); distant; borne in longitudinal series; simple; whitish, hairy; without glochids; with spines. The spines clustered (flimsy, near the apex, soon disintegrating or shed); 0.03–0.07 cm long (i.e., almost microscopically small); reddish brown. The mature stems leafless.

The flowers terminal (? - cf. Blossfeldia); one per areole, or more than one per areole (?); sessile; small to medium-sized; about 2 cm in diameter. The receptacle conspicuously produced beyond the ovary into a tubular hypanthium (short and thick). The perianth pink.

The mature fruit thin-walled, non-fleshy when mature; dehiscent; dehiscing vertically by one slit, or dehiscing vertically by more than one slit (? - "splitting from the base"). The seeds not encased in bony arils. Cotyledons reduced or vestigial.

Natural Distribution. Around 3700m elevation in borthern Argentina.

Classification. 1 species (Y. cryptocarpa). Subfamily Cactoideae. Tribe Notocacteae.

No adequate description seen. Cf. Cintia, Blossfeldia, Weingartia, Neowerdemannia.

Images. • Yavia cryptocarpa: © Zoya Zakulova (2007).

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2018 onwards. The genera of Cactaceae: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Version: 14th November 2021.’.
