
The genera of Cactaceae

L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz

Tacinga Britton & Rose

The plants succulent; opuntioid; not ‘low and very compacted’. The stems spiny, or not spiny. The plants creeping or scrambling, or climbing (weakly), or terrestrial and self supporting; shrubby, moderately branched (without dimorphic branches); with cladodes to without cladodes. The cladodes when present, without midribs. The plants prostrate to erect; shrubby; solitary, or clustering; to 0.5–5 m high. The branches differing in form from the main stem, or resembling the main stem. The main stem not remaining dominant; trunk, when present more or less cylindrical. The branches flattened (obovate or elliptical,), or cylindrical; when flattened, not combining a straight upper margin with a curved lower one. The stems segmented, or not segmented; not ribbed and grooved (sometimes with faint ribs linking the areoles). The ribs when present, tessellate. The plants not conspicuously tuberculate. The areoles associated with tubercles to not tubercle-associated (i.e., sometimes on slight protuberances); distant; spirally disposed, or spirally disposed and borne along the margins of the flattened branches, or scattered on the surfaces; small, simple. The flowering areoles resembling the non-flowering ones. The areoles hairy (with long hairs); with glochids (these caducous, sometimes minute); with spines, or without spines. The spines when present, paired, or clustered (soon deciduous); 2–3(–6); 0.2–0.3 cm long; showing little or no difference between radials and centrals. The mature stems with much reduced leaves. Leaves of mature stems abortive, minute to small; caducous fleshy; terete.

Flowering at night and during the day. The flowers lateral (when arising close to the apex, not actually terminal); one per areole; sessile; medium-sized to large; 3–10 cm long; regular. The receptacle conspicuously produced beyond the ovary into a tubular hypanthium. The hypanthial tube elongated and gradually dilated beyond the ovary, thick, stemlike, persistent; not naked; with scales (these tiny). The axils of the scales of the hypanthial tube not naked (with areoles and glochids). The hypanthial tube spineless. The perianth members erect or reflexing; yellow to orange, or red. Stamens adnate to the perianth; separated from the perianth by a conspicuous ring of hairs; exserted beyond the perianth; coherent (reuniting above to form a tube through which the pistil protrudes, the erect anthers surrounded by perianth hairs). Pollen grains 12 aperturate (with very small spines and perforations).

The mature fruit 2.2–5.5 cm long; ellipsoidal (with a deep umbilicus); green, or white, or brown (-ish), or red (-ish); naked (?), or not naked; spiny, or with glochids, or spiny and with glochids, or without spines; without persistent floral remains; fleshy; indehiscent (?). The seeds 3–4 mm long; white (-ish); i.e., the funicular envelope, very conspicuously hairy; globose or sub-globose (sub-globose), or pyriform; slightly laterally compressed; encased in their bony arils. Cotyledons fleshy, foliaceous.

Natural Distribution. Eastern and northeastern Brazil.

Classification. 5 species. Subfamily Opuntioideae. Tribe Opuntieae.

Cf. Hunt (1967).

Images. • Tacinga palmadora:

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Cite this publication as: ‘Watson, L., and Dallwitz, M.J. 2018 onwards. The genera of Cactaceae: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Version: 14th November 2021.’.
