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Singer Taylor Dayne takes the (very small) stage at Wally’s

Taylor Dayne and Paul English outside Wally’s Cafe.Paul English

Singer Taylor Dayne took over Wally’s Cafe Jazz Club last weekend, according to a social media post by Boston-based philanthropist and Kayak cofounder Paul English.

English posted a video on his Instagram of Dayne singing “Feel Like Makin’ Love” at Wally’s. She began by reading the lyrics off of a phone, but eventually sang along with the musicians accompanying her and the restaurant’s crowd.

English told the Globe that the performance was spontaneous and that “the band fell in love with her.”

English said he first met Dayne two months ago at Mastro’s Ocean Club in the Seaport District.

Dayne, who broke onto the pop scene in 1987 with her hit “Tell It to My Heart,” has produced a number of Billboard classics since then. She also posted an Instagram video of herself singing at Wally’s, calling it “a moment of late nite bliss.”


Dayne was in town for a rehearsal with the New England Conservatory ahead of her performance at the MLK Boston gala in October, according to English, one of the event’s organizers.

Lillian Brown can be reached at lillian.brown@globe.com. Follow her on twitter @lilliangbrown.