6 Reasons To Start Eating Drumsticks

- Monalisa Deka

Drumsticks can help control your sugar level. You can have it in the form of curry or soups.

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

The leaves of drumstick is the primary ingredient in many Ayurvedic pain relief oils.

Relieves Joint Pains

Drumstick helps enhance memory and your learning ability. You can add drumsticks or its leaf powder to your daily meals.

Boosts Memory 

Moringa leaves have antibacterial properties and help clear acne. Make a paste of leaf powder with rose water and apply.

Helps Clear Acne

Research suggests that regular use of drumstick may boost sperm count and improve the quality of sperm.

Improves Fertility

Drumsticks are packed with vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants that are vital for the growing baby.

Aids In Healthy Pregnancy