
Hier findet ihr eine Auflistung aller Lieder, die von den Hooters je gespielt wurden. Wie ihr seht sind es weitausmehr, als mal auf offiziellen Aufnahmen finden kann. Es sollen noch Texte und eventuelle Quellen folgen.

A man understands
All night Nippon
All You Zombies 
And we danced
Babalou Ball
Beat up Guitar
Beautiful Noise
Black Cloud
Blame it on the bible(?)
Blue turns to grey
Bomb Scare
Bowlegged Lolita
Boys will be boys
Brother don’t you walk away
Can’t Buy Me Love
Dancing on the Edge
Dead organic matter (Giving up on love again)
Don’t be happy, just worry
Downtown on a Saturday Night
Empty Heart
Everyday I fall in Love
Fightin on the same Side
Glad all over
Got my own
Handle me with care
Hangin’ on a Heartbeat
Happy Birthday WMMR
He was a friend of mine
Heimliche Sehnsucht
I should have known better
I want you
I want you bad
If I didn’t love you
Irish Blessing
Jacko the Juggler
Jigs’n Reels
Johnny B
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Man in the Street
Manayank, USA
May you always fit the shoe(?)
Mr. Big Baboon
Mr. Tambourine Man
My Generation + Who’s that Girl?
My house is your house
Nervous Night
Nowhere Man
Obladi Oblada
One Light in a dark valley
One of us
One too many nights
Point your little pinky
Private Emotion
Real Fine Love
Rescue me
Rock’n Roll Star (la la la?)
Rose Tattoo
Rough Rider
Satellite ’95
Save a little Love
Save a little Love for me
Scared by science
Shadow of Jesus
Silent Night
Solid Rock
South Ferry Road
Star Spangled Banner
Strange strange world
Strawberry fields
Talk too much
That’s the way I will remember you
The harder they come the harder they fall
The House of Wolfgang
The Isrealites
The Wireless
Thing of beauty
Time After Time
Trenchtown Rock
Trouble in Paradise
Twenty Five Hours a Day
Ume Oh
Washington’s Day
We’re not in Kansas anymore
When You drop your Eyes
Where Do The Children Go?
Who’ that girl?
Wild horses
Words & Music
World without walls
Yesterday is over
You can run but you just can’t hide
You say the world is spinning around
You still belong to me
You’ve got to hide your love away


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