Street Legal Racing: Redline v2.3.1

Street Legal Racing: Redline v2.3.1

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Moving car saves
By g13ba
How to sort or move your cars to another career.
Moving the car files is helpful when you want to sort your cars or move them to another career.

Here are some basics you need to know before you start:

Finding slrr game directory
The game is located at:
"your steam library folder"\steamapps\common\Street Legal Racing Redline

To find your steam library folder go to
Steam > Settings > Downloads >STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS

To get to the game directory quickly
in your steam library right-click on "Street Legal Racing: Redline 2.3.1",
then "Properties",
then "LOCAL FILES" tab,
then "BROWSE LOCAL FILES" button

Visible file extensions
If not done already set your Windows to show file extensions, so that you clearly see what files you are dealing with in the game folder and beyond. Also it's better for your security, read the linked article explaining why and how do to it:

Career basics
Career directory
The careers are here:
In there you'll find the folders like these:
your_career_name-1 your_career_name-2 your_career_name-3
-[number] at the end represents the club.
If you are at the first club only "your_career_name-1" will be there.

Career car files
In your career folder there will be files named "PlayerCar[n]", for example:
PlayerCar0 PlayerCar0.1 PlayerCar0.2 PlayerCar1

The number right behind "PlayerCar" is the car lot number starting at 0.
So car lot position is equal to n+1

Sometimes there will be files with a dot and a number after the car lot number, for example: PlayerCar0.1
These are extra files belonging to PlayerCar0 and should be moved/copied/renamed together.
(These files are paintjob of the car parts. If there aren't any, the car hasn't been painted or scratched)

So looking again at the example you'll see that:
------------------------------- car 1 PlayerCar0 PlayerCar0.1 PlayerCar0.2 ------------------------------- car 2 PlayerCar1

Another example

Car files operations
Moving car files to another career
Just copy or move the files from one career to another. If there already are some cars in there, you will probably need to rename the files first, or use "Save car" in main menu to name them properly.

Naming car files using "Save car"
Load career with cars you want to move
  1. select a car
  2. go back to main menu
  3. click "Save car"
  4. name the car "PlayerCar[n]" where [n] is the desired number
    Attention! If you have other keyboard than QWERTY some chars may be swithed up
  5. click save
Repeat the steps for other cars.
You will find the files here:
Then just move these files to your other career.

Note: By default there is no possibility to remove these files in game.
You can use "Classic Main Menu" for this.

Renaming car files
You can do this manually but it takes a while and can get confusing, so use a tool like "Ant Renamer" to rename many files quickly.

Using "Ant Renamer"
Click "Add Files..." and select the files or drag and drop them to the window.

Go to "Actions" and select string replacement. Set it up like below, set search and replace as you need. You can see a preview at the bottom. When ready click "Go" to rename the files.

Switching cars in car lot
For example you have this:
------------------------------- car 1 PlayerCar0 PlayerCar0.1 PlayerCar0.2 ... ------------------------------- car 2 PlayerCar1 PlayerCar1.1 ... ------------------------------- car 3 PlayerCar2
and want to switch places of the car 1 and car 3 in the car lot.
  1. rename "PlayerCar2" to "PlayerCarX"
  2. rename all "PlayerCar0" files to "PlayerCar2"
  3. rename "PlayerCarX" files to "PlayerCar0"
------------------------------- car 1 PlayerCar0 ------------------------------- car 2 PlayerCar1 PlayerCar1.1 ... ------------------------------- car 3 PlayerCar2 PlayerCar2.1 PlayerCar2.2 ...

Want more examples? Just ask in the comments.

Ilikedahrice Nov 18, 2018 @ 8:00am 
Thanks, this helped with seperating modded cars from "stock" slrr parts.