Kernkraft 400
EDM Blaster Lyrics

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Zombie Nation
Zombie Nation
Zombie Nation
Kernkraft 400

Overall Meaning

The song "Kernkraft 400" by EDM Blasters, also known as "Zombie Nation," is a high-energy electronic dance track that features the repeated refrain, "Zombie Nation, Kernkraft 400." The lyrics themselves are relatively sparse, with the focus being on the driving beat and pulsing rhythm of the instrumentation. However, there is some interpretive potential when it comes to what the lyrics might mean or represent.

One possible interpretation is that the song is a commentary on modern society and the concept of herd mentality. The repeated phrase "Zombie Nation" could be seen as a metaphor for people blindly following trends or cultural fads without really thinking for themselves. The nuclear-themed title "Kernkraft 400" adds to this idea, suggesting a mindless and potentially catastrophic mass movement.

Another possible interpretation is that the song is simply about the joy of dancing and losing oneself in the music. "Zombie Nation" could be seen as a playful, tongue-in-cheek reference to the idea of being so entranced by the beat that one becomes like a zombie. The fast, relentless nature of the music certainly supports this interpretation, as it encourages listeners to let go and surrender to the rhythm.

Line by Line Meaning

Zombie Nation
The entire population of the world has become a horde of brain-dead, undead creatures known as zombies.

Kernkraft 400
This song's title is in reference to the power that nuclear energy can generate, and how it can be used to help sustain life.


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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


This is one of my hockey songs.

0:01- getting ready in the locker room
0:35- getting on the bench
0:41-Getting on the ice 1-by-1
0:55- starting warm ups
2:17- First Face-off starts
2:35- crowd gets louder
2:45- ref drops the puck in slow-mo
2:58- the game begins
3:12- you skate all the way down the ice fast with the puck
4:35 you make a goal.
And that goal you set was for the song not to be over. :)

All comments from YouTube:


This is like a song, that everybody knows, but no-one knows the name of


So true


The rude sandstorm




Yes!! techno music never really hit the mainstream media, and it is a challenge to find a song you are looking for sometimes because NO Lyrics!! Thank God for Google nowadays! Because I literally typed in Shaun of the Dead bus scene techno song! I remember looking for Darude's Sandstorm back in the day by a movie scene too!! 😄 Lol..


@@sevannaj3442 That's basically how I found it, thank god.

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It only took nightclub Hitler to find this song after my whole life




@@skan6851 knows it's all I think about when I hear it


Same, I instantly think of how the nightclub Hitler jumps on the beat and then suddenly stops and raises his right hand.... hahah

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