Stood Up - Ricky Nelson

Stood Up

Ricky Nelson

(Willis Dickerson - Erma Herrold, Imperial 5483, 1957)

Well, I've been waitin' ever since eight
Guess my baby's got another date
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

I'll bet she's out havin' a ball
Not even thinkin' of me at all
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

Well, I know just what I oughta do
I oughta find somebody new
But, baby, I couldn't forget about you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

Why must I always be the one
Left behind never havin' any fun?
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

But I guess I'll go on bein' a fool
Sittin' around just waitin' for you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

Well, I know just what I oughta do
I oughta find somebody new
But, baby, I couldn't forget about you
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

Stood up, broken-hearted, again
Stood up, broken-hearted, again

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