A new hybrid, closely related to Gastrophaius Microburst: Gastrophaius Solani Steck

Gastrophaius Solani Steck by Eike Jauch

Phaius Gravesiae was used as seed parent to create Gastrophaius Solani Steck. The pollen parent is Gastrorchis pulchra.

Phaius Gravesiae big flower by Eike Jauch

As observed in Gastrophaius Microburst, I expect Gastrorchis pulchra to open the lip of Gastrophaius Solani Steck.

Gastrorchis pulchra by Eike Jauch

I also expect the lip of most Gastrophaius Solani Steck to show a lot of pink to purple. The first clone shown above on part fulfills this expectation. The heritage of Phaius wallichii as one parent of Phaius Gravesiae might lead to some Gastrophaius Solani Steck with big flowers.

Gastrophaius Solani Steck

Read more about Phaius Gravesiae on my blog:







Read more about Gastrochis pulchra on my blog:





Nearly five years of waiting: Phaius australis premiere

Phaius australis 1 by Eike Jauch

This Phaius has a very special story. I obtained three seedlings of Phaius australis in May 2015. The parental plant grows in a botanical garden, but I could not find out in which one. Upon unpacking the seedlings which were sent barerooted I was shocked. The seedlings looked too bad, and I had no experience in growing Phaius seedlings at all. My wife and I planted them in sphagnum moss and started praying. The first died, the second died … only the third seedling was not that much damaged that it was doomed to die. It grew bit by bit, and all the years we were afraid to loose the plant. But most Phaius are quite tough … this is also true for Phaius australis. Yesterday the first flower opened on the 1,30 m inflorescence, and we felt like real proud parents.

Phaius australis 2 by Eike Jauch

For a long time Phaius australis was regarded as an independant Phaius species. Baron Sir Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller, a German-Australian botanist and director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, first described this Phaius in the first volume of his Fragmenta phytographiae Australiae in 1858. Only recently it was reduced to varietal status by Philipp Cribb: Phaius tankervilleae var. australis. It is said to be self-fertilizing and in this respect resembles Phaius antoninae. To my opinion a self-fertilizing Phaius should be considered to be an independant species, as sexual isolation by self-fertilization is considered to be a driver of speciation. Phaius australis F. Muell 1858 is endemic to Queensland and New South Wales and is heavily endangered. The shown plant resembles those Phaius australis found in New South Wales. I will therefore focus on propagating this rare species.

I am amazed about the very special coloration pattern the lip shows. And I am happy that my plant shows the yellowish venation of sepals and petals. It is not seen on all Phaius australis. And I love the fine fragrance of Phaius australis – it is the best I have smelled so far among Phaius.

Phaius australis 3 by Eike Jauch

Read more about Phaius australis on my blog:



Phaius Species ´Liberty Dark Clone 4N´ is a fake

On ebay one can find a promising offer: Phaius Species ‘Liberty Dark Clone 4N’. To my knowledge the naming is a fake, the offered plants are neithter a species nor are they 4N.

Phaius Gravesiae big flower by Eike Jauch

I keep this plant for quite some time and its pollen were tested for its ploydie by flow cytometry measurements. The obtained c-value of 10.9 pg closely resembles the c-value of Phaius wallichii pollen (10.7 pg). Therefore one can conclude that the Liberty Dark Clone 4N ist not tetraploid. I am pretty sure it is just a hybrid of Phaius wallichii and Phaius tankervilleae.

Read more about Phaius Gravesiae on my blog:







Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider is flowering

Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider 5

23rd March 2019 I registered Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider as a hybrid of Phaius tonkinensis and Phaius phillipinensis.

Memoria Pater Agnellus SchneiderCert

The mother plant was Phaius tonkinensis:

Phaius tonkinensis by Eike Jauch 2

The pollen parent was Phaius philippinensis:

Phaius philippinensis by Eike Jauch

Today I can show you how the flower of the hybrid Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider looks like:

Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider beschriftet

The hybrid combines the colouration of the Phaius tonkinensis lip with the brownish colour of Phaius philippinensis sepals and petals.

Phaius Memoria Pater Agnellus Schneider 2 beschriftet

Read more about Phaius tonkinensis on my blog:











Phaius Charlesworthii by Suzy Taylor

Phaius 10-1 Kopie

Phaius Charlesworthii was a hybrid by Charles Ltd in 1900, a crossing between Phaius bernaysii and Phaius wallichii. Because Phaius Charlesworthii was a crossing between two original genus, it is become a new genus itself. Phaius Chalesworthii is a small vigorous plant and easy to grow. Unlike its original plant Phaius bernaysii, only grows up to 1m high with the flower stem to 120 cm long.
I grow it in a pot with good potting mix, perlite and fine bark to give good drainage. Weekly liquid fertiliser and slow release fertiliser would encourage the plant to grow healthy leaves and new shoots.

Phaius 11 Kopie

Filtered light with good morning sun would be ideal to grow Phaius Charlesworthii with daytime temperature between 20°C to 30°C and night time temperature between 10°C to 15°C.
Phaius Charlesworthii will flower between August to November in the Southern Hemisphere.

Phaius 9 Kopie

Being a swamp orchid, I water it well regularly just in the morning and let it dry during the day.

Phaius 8-1 Kopie

Phaius Charlesworthii has a strong sweet fragrance especially in the late afternoon to early night time.

Phaius 13 Kopie

by Suzy Taylor from Australia

I would like to add some notes to Suzy’s article:

In Lady Tankerville’s Legacy the status of Phaius bernaysii was reduced by Phillip Cribb and Judi Stone to that of a variety of Phaius tankervilleae. If one agrees with this renaming then Phaius Charlesworthii has to be called Phaius Gravesiae. Phaius Gravesiae was registered in 1892 as a hybrid of Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius wallichii, Phaius Charlesworthii was registered in 1900 as a hybrid of Phaius bernaysii (now Phaius tankervilleae var. bernaysii) and Phaius wallichii. Therefore, Phaius Charlesworthii has to be regarded as a synonym of Phaius Gravesiae. Both, Phaius Gravesiae and Phaius Charlesworthii share a sweet fragrance.

Read more about Phaius Gravesiae in my blog:









Gastrochis humblotii var. humblotii

Gastrorchis humblotii var humblotii by Eike Jauch

Gastrochis humblotii var. humblotii is another beautyful malagasy Phaius. The natural biotope of Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii are moist forests; some of the trees lose their leaves during the dry season.

Particularly striking is the yellow callus of the lip. It is naked and divided into two. Presumably, the flower is pollinated by bees collecting pollen. It is thought that the yellow callus simulates pollen packets and thus attracts the bees for pollination. Interestingly, the flowers of Gastrochis humblotii var. humblotii do not provide any reward for their pollinators – neither pollen nor nectar. However, they resemble the flowers of Impatiens bisulcata and Coelotryphe synanthera, both in color and in form. Gastrochis humblotii var. humblotii grows together with these two plant species on the mountain Ambre (Montagne d’Ambre) in northern Madagascar in moist, evergreen forests at an altitude of 850 to 1500 meters. So it is probably pollinated without having to give something …


Light offer:
Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii needs diffused light with illuminances between 15000 and 25000 lux. Direct sunlight should be avoided.

Temperature control:
The average temperature on a summer day is 24 to 25 degrees Celcius in the natural location, at night the temperature drops to 15 to 17 degrees Celcius. This results in a daily temperature fluctuation of 7 to 8 degrees Celcius. In winter, the average daily temperature is 22 degrees Celcius, at night 13 to 15 degrees Celcius. The difference between day and night temperature is 6 to 8 degrees Celcius. Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii can cope with temperatures up to 4 degrees Celcius when dry. In the meantime it is clear to me that Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii is best cultivated together with Dendrobium nobile hybrids. Although Madagascar is an african island, Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii does not like it warm or even hot, especially it does not like high night temperatures – and  bright sun does not do them any good!

During humid summertime, Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii needs 70 to 80% relative humidity.

Best in spring, when the plant resumes its active growth. Gastrorchis are best repotted every year.

Water supply:
During growth Gastrorchis humblotii var. humblotii needs a lot of water. The substrate should be moist but without waterlogging. At the natural site there is a rainy season and a dry season. The dry season initiates the flowering of Gastorchis humblotii var. humblotii. During the rest period watering is reduced and no fertilizer is given. During the resting phase, the light may be brighter than during the growth phase.

Read more about Gastrorchis on my blog:





















Gastrorchis francoisii shows its beauty

It took me many years to get a Gastrorchis francoisii. Most of the plants I bought that were labelled with Gastrorchis francoisii were mislabelled Gastrorchis humblotii. This is a picture of my first true Gastrorchis francoisii flowering. According to Lady Tankeville’s Legacy, this Gastrorchis is considered to be outstanding for the beauty of its largely pale pink blooms that are up to five centimeters across. The side-lobes of the lip are orange, spotted with red at the base.

Gastrorchis francoisii by Eike Jauch

In humid, evergreen forests of central Madagascar, at altitudes of 1200 to 1800 meters, this Gastrorchis thrives in Mandraka Valley. It was first collected by M.E. François, Inspector of Agriculture at the Botanical Garden of Tananarive. In the depths of the internet, I was able to find some cultural information about this beauty, which I would like to put together for you here:


Gastrorchis francoisii likes illuminations between 18000 and 24000 lux. Since it grows in forests, direct sunshine should be avoided. Here some references: Covered summer day at noon: ~ 20,000 lux, clear winter day at noon: ~ 20,000 lux, covered winter day: ~ 3,500 – 6,000 lux.

Temperature control:

In summer, the temperatures at the natural location during the day fluctuate between 25 to 26 degrees Celcius and at night between 13 to 15 degrees Celcius. Thus, the night reduction should be 13 to 15 degrees. In winter, the average daytime temperatures are between 20 and 23 degrees Celcius, at night between 8 and 11 degrees Celcius. The lowering of the night temperature should therefore be between 12 and 14 degrees Celcius.


The average relative humidity may be 65 to 75 percent.


It is best to repot Gastrorchis francoisii in spring when new shoots show.


During growth Gastrorchis francoisii needs plenty of water, but without exposing the roots to waterlogging. At its natural location, Gastrorchis francoisii undergoes a wet growing period and a dry rest period, with little change in humidity.


If the plant produces new shoots, half-maximum amount of orchid fertilizer, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, may be added weekly.

Rest time:

Gastrorchis francoisii may throw leaves during winter rest period. The plant is hardly poured and fertilization is completely stopped.

Read more about Gastrorchis on my blog:




















Anticipation about Phaius Charlesworthii

Some days ago I was contacted by an australian Phaius enthusiasist to help in identification of a plant she bought as Phaius Charlesworthii. On first sight, the pictures I saw resembled Phaius tankervilleae var. alba. On second sight, there were some morphological signs that pointed clearly towards Phaius Charlesworthii.

Phaius Charlesworthii was registerd by Charlesworth Ltd. in 1900. It is a hybrid of Phaius bernaysii (syn. Phaius tankervilleae var. bernaysii)  and Phaius wallichi (see picture below).

As I do not have this hybrid in my collection, I invited the australian Phaius enthusiasist to write about Phaius Charlesworthii in my blog. In the moment, her Phaius Charlesworthii has two new flower spikes. I cross fingers that they soon bloom. Dear Suzy, thanks in advance for your contribution!

Phaius wallichii 'Jacky' by Eike Jauch

Read more about Phaius wallichii on my blog:






Read more about Phaius Charlesworthii on my blog:


Phaius im Botanischen Garten Berlin

Im Newsletter aus dem BGBM Berlin, Ausgabe Februar–2/2019 wird auf der zweiten Seite eine Phaius gezeigt, die als Phaius tankervilleae bezeichnet wird. Leider dürfte die Beschriftung falsch sein. Bei der gezeigten Pflanze handelt es sich um eine Phaius wallichii.

Lesen Sie mehr über Phaius wallichii in meinem Blog:






Phaius flavus is an orchid host of Sclerotium rolfsii

In June to July 2002, a fatal rotting disease was observed on Phaius flavus that was grown in the orchid house at the NRCO (National Research Centre for Orchids) in Sikkim, southern Himalaya, India.

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

During the inital stage of the fungal infection a basal rot of the pseudobulbs is observed. As the infection spreads leaves turn yellow and finally detach from the pseudobulbs. In the final stage the whole plant turns brown to black and dies.

In 2004 T.K. Bag reported that a fungus was isolated from infected plants and grown on PDA (potato dextrose agar). The isolated fungus produced white septate mycelia. At each septation, clamp connections were observed. Both aerial hyphae and numerous spherical white sclerotia were formed. Upon maturation, the sclerotia turned brown.

The isolated fungus was identified as Sclerotium rolfsii due to morphological and cultural characteristics. Pathogenicity of Sclerotium rolfsii was confirmed under natural conditions on potted Phaius flavus.


Read more about Phaius flavus on my blog:










Seedpod maturation time of Phaius tonkinensis

Phaius tonkinensis seedpod by Eike Jauch

Seedpod maturation in Phaius tonkinensis is a rather fast thing. First of june 2019 I pollinated the flower that led to above shown seedpod. Today 6th of august 2019 the seedpod was ripe and opened. Therefore within 67 days maturation took place. At this stage, the seedpod was 4,2 cm long and had a diameter of 1,2 cm.

Read more about Phaius tonkinensis on my blog:











Hybridization programme using Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius flavus

In April 2019, R. Devadas, R. K. Pamarthi, A. L. Meitei, S. L. Pattanayak, R. Sherpa published the outcome of a large scale hybridization programme using both Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius flavus as mother plants for reciprocal crosses. They classified the outcome of the crosses in three categories:

x – failure of pod set

√/x – success of pod set / no germination

√ – success of pod set / germination

The interesting thing about this hybridization programme is the amount of genera used for it. The two Phaius species were crossed to other species and hybrids from other genera based on flowerings synchrony. No conserved pollen were used in this experimental setup.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

Let’s now have a look at the outcome when Phaius tankervilleae was used as a seed parent:

x Arundina graminifolia

x Calanthe masuca

√/x Calanthe triplicata

√/x Coelogyne flaccida var cristata

x Cymbidium aloifolium

x Cymbidium Caripepper ‘Peachy Keen’

x Cymbidium Fire Storm ‘Blaze’

x Cymbidium ‘PCMV’

x Cymbidium ‘Soul Hunt-1’

x Dendrobium Emma White

x Dendrobium moschatum

x Dienia ophrydis

x Eria pubescens (Eria lasiopetala)

x Lycaste crueata

x Paphiopedilum villosum

√/x Paplionanthe teres

x Papilionanthe vandarum

Phaius flavus

x Thunia marshalliana

x Vanda Berniece Miller


And now the results when Phaius tankervilleae was used as a pollen parent:

√/x Calanthe masuca

x Calanthe triplicata

x Coelogyne flaccida var cristata

x Cymbidium aloifolium

x Cymbidium Caripepper ‘Peachy Keen’

x Cymbidium Fire Storm ‘Blaze’

x Cymbidium ‘PCMV’

x Cymbidium ‘Soul Hunt-1’

x Dendrobium Emma White

x Eria pubescens (Eria lasiopetala)

√/x Lycaste crueata

√/x Paphiopedilum villosum

x Paplionanthe teres

x Papilionanthe vandarum

Phaius flavus

x Thunia marshalliana

x Vanda Berniece Miller

Only the hybridization with Phaius flavus resulted in germination.

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

Here the results when Phaius flavus was used as a seed parent:

x Dendrobium aphyllum

x Dendrobium nobile

x Lycaste crueata

Phaius tankervilleae

x Phalaenopsis lobbii


When using Phaius flavus as the pollen parent, following results were obtained:

x Coelogyne flaccida

x Dendrobium aphyllum

x Dendrobium nobile

x Lycaste crueata

Phaius tankervilleae

x Phalaenopsis lobbii


Only the hybridization with Phaius tankervilleae resulted in germination. The authors conclude that there is a high level of incompatibility between Phaius and other orchid genera.

However, the hybridization of Calanthe masuca with Phaius tankervilleae has been successful before. In 1897 Veitch registerd Phaiocalanthe Inspirata, Calanthe masuca being the seed parent of the cross.

Calanthe masuca by Eike Jauch

Read more about Phaius flavus on my blog:










Natural habitats of Phaius tankervilleae in Vietnam

In 1998, Leonid V. Averyanov and Eric A. Christenson published a short paper about Phaius tankervillea in Orchids – The magazine of the American Orchid Society. In Vietnam, Phaius tankervilleae prefers altitudes between 600 and 900 meters, but the autors also found Phaius tankervilleae at 1200 meters in Kontum Province on the western slopes of the Ngoc Linh mountains. On occasion, it can be found even at 1450 meters. Phaius tankervilleae grows and flowers in full sunlight. It requires constant moisture and thrives best in swampy grasslands in its native habitat. It can also be found as a secondary weed in old rice fields.

To a lesser extent Phaius tankervilleae also occurs in shady forests in Vietnam. According to the authors Phaius tankervilleae never flowers under such conditions.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

Read more about Phaius tankervilleae on my blog:













Phaius of Bhutan

In August 2015, Stig Dalström, Dhan Bahadur Gurung, Choki Gyeltshen and Nima Gyeltshen published an article in the Orchids Magazine of the American Orchid Society AOS: “Orchids of Bhutan. The genus Phaius.”

According to this article there are four species of Phaius occuring in Bhutan. First to be mentioned is Phaius flavus, often alternatively named Phaius maculatus or Phaius somai. This up to one meter tall Phaius often grows in places that are rather shady and humid. The roots are buried deeply in a humus-rich leaf mulch. Stig Dalström and authors already speculate in this article that the whitish spots on the leaves are likely to be inherited. In Bhutan Phaius flavus grows in tropical to subtropical, seasonally extremely wet areas in warmer to intermediate conditions.

Phaius somai by Eike Jauch

The second Phaius found in Bhutan is Phaius mishmensis. Its stem can reach a height of up to 1 meter. The flowers often do not fully open and emerge from the side of the stem on erect few-flowered racemes. It grows under similar conditions as Phaius maculatus and in some areas they occur sympatric.

20180922 Phaius mishmensis

The well known Phaius tankervilleae is the third Phaius to be found in Bhutan. It is sometimes called Phaius grandifolius and can be found under this name in trade. In their article the authors make some interesting remarks that make it likely that the original Phaius grandifolius was a Phaius wallichii rather than a Phaius tankervilleae.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

The flowers of Phaius tankervilleae have a very short and rather straight spur. In contrast, flowers of Phaius wallichii have a rather long and distinctly curved spur. Phaius wallichii is the fourth Phaius found in Bhutan. Both species are closely sympatric in Bhutan.

Phaius wallichii 'Jacky' by Eike Jauch

Near the village of Saleng a Phaius of extraordinary vigor was collected in 2010 . This Phaius plant well might be a natural hybrid of Phaius tankervilleae and Phaius wallichii. It flowered in 2014 and its flowers are suspiciously intermediate between Phaius wallichii and Phaius tankervilleae. This plant can now be found in the Royal Botanical Garden in Serbithang.

Read more about Phaius wallichii on my blog:






Read more about Phaius flavus on my blog:










Read more about Phaius mishmensis on my blog:






Read more about Phaius tankervilleae on my blog:








The Greater Swamp-orchid in Laos

The Pha Khao Lao Homepage contains a digital compilation of wild plants. Among them is Phaius tankervilleae, also called Greater Swamp-orchid. In Laos it is used to create income, for ornamental purposes and in medicine.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

This beautiful orchid is reported to be a rare plant in Laos, close to extinction. It is a pitty that a useful plant that can be so easily propagated vegetatively like Phaius tankervillea is near extinction in Laos.

According to an annotated checklist of the Orchidaceae of Laos, published in 2008 by Andé Schuiteman, Pierre Bonnet, Bouakhaykhone Svengsuksa and Daniel Barthélémy in the Nordic Journal of Botany 26: 257-316, following Phaius can be found in Laos:

Phaius flavus (Blume) Lindl.

Record from Louangphrabang.

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

Phaius indochinensis Seidenf. & Ormerod

found as an epiphyte growing on tree trunks in montane forest on limestone, also reported to be lithophytic at an elevation of 1400 meters. Records from Champasak and Vientiane.

Phaius mishmensis (Lindl. & Paxton) Rchb. f.

found growing as an terrestrial on the bank of a small stream in dense humid evergreen forest at an elevation of 863 meters. It flowers in October and November. Records from Bolikhamxai and Louangphrabang.

20180922 Phaius mishmensis

and above mentioned Phaius tankervilleae (Banks ex l’Hér.) Blume

flowering from January to March. Records from Attapu, Kham-mouan, Savannakhet and Xiangkhoang.

Read more about Phaius tankervilleae in my blog:







Java’s Phaius

Recently I made I nice contact to an indonesian orchid enthusiast that grows some beautyful Phaius tankervilleae in her garden.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

I was curious about other Phaius that could be found in Java and therefore screened Lady Tankerville’s Legacy for corresponding annotations. I was surprised how many Phaius species can be found on this 126.700 km² island. Beside Phaius tankervilleae there are two other representatives of the section Phaius that can be found on this Greater Sunda Island: Phaius callosus and Phaius flavus.

Phaius flavus by Eike Jauch

The section Limatodes is represented with Phaius tenuis, Phaius corymboides, Phaius pauciflorus and Phaius indigoferus. Phaius tenuis was found between Batu and Pacet, east Java at an elevation of 934 meters and can be seen in Purwodadi Botanical Garden. Phaius corymbioides is found in Manggisan, east Java. Phaius pauciflorus should be admired in Purwodadi Botanical Garden, Pasuruan, east Java. Phaius indigoferus can be found in west Java.

Phaius tenuis

Phaius tenuis in Reichenbach, H.G, Arnott, G.A.W., Xenia Orchidaceae Vol. 1, 1958, t.76

Phaius pauciflorus

Phaius pauciflorus in Curtis, W., Curtis’s botanical magazine vol. 115, 1889, t.7086

Phaius indigoferus

Phaius indigoferus in Smith, J.J., Orchideen von Java, Figurenatlas Orch. Java, 1908, t.149

Seven different Phaius species on one island! This is paradise for a lover of these species.

Thanks to Nisa for the nice contact!

Read more about Phaius flavus on my blog:









Read more about Phaius tankervilleae on my blog:







Successful remake of Gastrophaius Micro Burst


In 2001 EFG Orchids RHS-registered Gastrophaius Micro Burst. It is a pitty that this beautyful hybrid is not available in Europe. I therefore decided to repeat the cross that resulted in Gastrophaius Micro Burst:

Gastrorchis pulchra by Eike Jauch

Gastrochis pulchra served as the seed parent, Phaius tankervilleae as the pollen parent.

Phaius Phajus tankervilleae 2 by Eike Jauch

I expect most of the offspring (see top picture) to resemble the clone Gastrophaius Micro Burst ‘Wild Thing’ as both parents used display an intense anthocyane colouration in the lip. The sepals and petals will be lightened to a more or less intense apricot. If the apricot colour of the sepals and petals gets very light, one could expect a resemblance to Gastrophaius Micro Burst ‘Oktoberfest’ or Gastrophaius Micro Burst ‘George’s Gold’.

One of my biggest dreams is to be lucky enough to obtain one good day Phaius tankervillea ‘Rabins Raven’. The really intense colouration of this clone might be very useful in creating intensly stained Gastrophaius Micro Burst clones.

Combinations that I do not think to be very promising are the usage of Phaius tankervilleae var alba or Gastrochis pulchra ‘Alba’ as parental plants:

Gastrorchis pulchra var alba by Eike Jauch

phaius tankervilleae var alba 3 by eike jauch

Gastrophaius Micro Burst of such parents can be expected to be very pale. In the best case a pure white flower can be generated, which would then indeed be a beautyful result.

Read more about Phaius tankervilleae on my blog:







Read more about Gastrorchis pulchra on my blog:





Calanthe Hildegard Kibler-Mueller

Calanthe succedanea by Eike Jauch

Calanthe William Murray by Eike Jauch

What happens if you cross a Calanthe succedanea with a Calanthe vestita? You obtain a Calanthe Hildegard Kibler-Mueller! I was pretty surprised that such a hybrid was not registered before. Although the flower size will not be as large as the flower size of Calanthe vestita, they can be expected to have an attractive size and an attractive colouration.

Hildegard Kibler-Mueller by Eike JAuch

There is only one other hybrid of Calanthe succedanea registered: Calanthe Petit Anquette. This hybrid was crossed and registered by the Eric Young Orchid Foundation in 2015. Calanthe Rose Georgene was used as the hybridization partner.

Read more about Preptanthe in my blog:











Habitus of Plocoglottis quadrifolia J.J.Sm.

Plocoglottis quadrifolia by Eike Jauch

There are about 40 – 45 species in the genus Plocoglottis. They are found from Myanmar, India, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia to Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Philippines, Indosia, Solomn Islands and Papua New Guinea.

I was lucky to obtain a Plocoglottis labeled as Plocoglottis quadrifolia about one year ago. Since that day I am searching for other species of this genus, but they seem not to be traded in Europe very often.

Plocoglottis quadrifolia can be found on limestone ridges in Sumatra. It also grows on sandy soil in shady submontane valley forests along streams.

P. quadrifolia is a medium sized warm growing terrestrial with erect pseudobulbs of a lenght of up to 45 cm. Although called quadrifolia, the number of plicate leaves may vary from 4 to 7. It was first described 1926 in the Bulletin du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg 3(8): 36.

Let’s wait and see how the flowes may look like …


Who are the phylogenetic relatives of Phaius? Possible hybridization partners.

Phylogenetic classification of orchids is something quite tricky. The APG III classification is the third version of the botanical classification of angiosperms established by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group in 2009. According to APG III the phylogenetic relatives of Phaius are grouped in the tribus Collabiae. The tribus Collabiae includes following genera:

Acanthephippium Blume 1825

Ancistrochilus Rolfe 1897

Calanthe R.Br. 1821

Cephalantheropsis Guillaumin 1960

Chrysoglossum Blume 1825

Collabium Blume 1825

Diglyphosa Blume 1825

Eriodes Rolfe 1915

Gastrorchis Thouars 1809

Hancockia Rolfe 1903

Ipsea Lind. 1831

Nephelaphyllum Blume 1825

Pachystoma Blume 1825

Phaius Lour. 1790

Pilophyllum Schltr. 1914

Plocoglottis Blume 1825

Spathoglottis Blume 1825

Tainia Blume 1825

It is well known that Phaius-species readily hybridizise with species of the genera Calanthe and Gastrorchis. In addition, there are two registered Ancistrophaius-Hybrids:

Ancistrophaius Clown is the result of a cross of Phaius tankervilleae and Ancistrochilus rothschildianus. Ancistrophaius Delight is the result of a cross of Ancistrochilus thomsonianus and Phaius tankervilleae.

Although not registered, there are a few reports in the web that Phaius might hybridize with Spathoglottis resulting in Spathophaius.

It therefore might well be worth to try crosses of Phaius species with other members of the tribus Collabiae.