
What is the meaning of the phrase 'bring your milkshake to the yard' and how can it be used in a sentence?

The phrase "bring your milkshake to the yard" is a reference to the lyrics of the song "Milkshake" by Kelis, released in 2003. The exact meaning of the phrase is open to interpretation and has sparked various speculations.

Possible meanings of the phrase:

  1. Sensuality and attractiveness: The lyrics suggest that a girl's "milkshake" represents what makes her stand apart from others in terms of sensuality and attractiveness [1].
  2. Metaphor for blowjobs or oral sex: Some speculate that "milkshake" could be a covert way of referring to blowjobs or sensuality in general [2].
  3. Metaphor for breasts: "Milkshake" has been slang for "breasts" since the 1910s, evoking the anatomy and physiology of the organs [2].

Usage in a sentence:

  1. "She's got that special something that brings all the boys to the yard with her milkshake." [1]
  2. "Her confidence and allure are like bringing a milkshake to the yard." [2]

Learn more:

  1. 20th Anniversary: The Meaning Behind Kelis' 2003 Neptunes ...
  2. milkshake Meaning & Origin | Slang by Dictionary.com
  3. Urban Dictionary: My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard

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