Convert your N73 to the N73 Music Edition and De-brand It

Discussion in 'Mobile Devices' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 26, 2007.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This guide will show you how to convert you standard Nokia N73 to the N73 Music edition.

    The benefits of converting to the N73 Music Edition include:
    • Improved music player – The new music player handles music by artist/genre/album. It also has an enhanced equaliser with bass boost and stereo widening.
    • Removes operator branding – If you purchased a phone from a network operator such as T-Mobile you will more than likely have custom T-Mobile firmware on the phone which restricts the usage of certain features on the phone.
    • New themes – I quite liked the new themes included with the music edition.
    • Easy Access to the MP3 player – The shortcut key on the right now loads the MP3 player up.
    You will need:
    Before you begin be sure to backup anything important that is saved on the phone memory such as your contact as the phone memory will be erased during this process.

    This guide will presume you have connected your phone to your pc using the data cable that came with the phone and have installed the Nokia PC Suit and Nokia Software Updater. If you have not done this download the Nokia software updater now, after the installation has completed you will be guided through connecting your phone to the pc, be sure to use the data cable and not Bluetooth.

    If you have completed the above you can now install Nemesis Service Suit make, sure you have closed the Nokia PC Suit before doing this.
    Continue through the installation until you reach the hardware selection page, select “Virtual USB Device” and finish the rest of the installation.


    Now connect the phone via the data cable and select PC Suit mode, if any drivers are installed wait for this to finish then load up Nemesis Service Suit.

    Once Nemesis has loaded you should see something like the screenshot below, click the scan for new device button below as shown in the screenshot.
    If your phone is not found check it is in PC Suit mode and that you can connect to the phone with Nokia PC Suit, its also worth mentioning that the latest version of Sophos Antivirus stops Nemesis Service Suit from working correctly, I’m not sure if this is the case with other antivirus packages but if you have having problems connecting to the phone it might be worth disabling your antivirus software when using Nemesis.


    Once the phone has been found click “Phone Info” as shown below


    On the phone info screen click scan, then click read and check the box next to product code


    Now you must enter one of the product codes below.
    The generic product code will enable you to flash the standard Nokia firmware to the phone (without any operator branding) and the music edition product code will allow you to flash the music edition firmware (without any operator branding )

    Generic: 0539101
    Music Edition: 0539343

    If English is not your preferred language it might be an idea to change to the product code for the country you live in. As this is quite a big list I have included this in the attached text file in this post.

    Once you have entered your desired product code click write to save the changes to the phone


    Your phone is now ready to be flashed with the latest Nokia firmware without operator branding and restrictions!

    Load up Nokia Software Updater and follow the steps to flash your phone.







    Congratulations you have now converted your N73 in to the N73 Music edition (and removed the operator branding if your phone had any before)

    If you created a backup of the phone memory before you converted to the music edition or de-branded your phone do not restore that backup as it is possible to brick your phone as the backup is from a different firmware.

    Attached Files:

    MasterChief likes this.
  2. lupuradu

    lupuradu New Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    I'd say that ur guide is well made , but i don't really succeed with my N73.
    I own a branded Vodafone Spain N73 and with all the product codes i tried , i fail doing the update. NSU displays a message like " Device Not Supported" .
    I'm now waiting for the latest firmware of N73 ME to finish downloading and after i'll try to flash that firmware without using NSU.
    2nd thing , the phone's locked on Vodafone Spain ,so i can't use it here in Italy (at least not as a phone). Is there any way to unlock it using the provided cable CA-53 ? I could also buy the DCU-5 Serial cable as i found it at a good price on ebay , but that has to work 100% otherwise the cable's not useful.

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