Hi, I'm Andrew and I’m just a simple zoology student and crustacean researcher from Ohio. This blog centers around animal IDs so feel free to send me any unknown species (and its location) that you have and I will take my best shot at IDing it! I also occasionally post random zoology/animal factoid things.

Disclamer: none of the pictures are mine unless stated


Strawberry Anemone (Actinia fragacea)…a species of Actiniid sea anemone which is found in the northeastern and eastern Atlantic Ocean. Its range extends from Norway, Scotland and Ireland to the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa, including the...

Strawberry Anemone (Actinia fragacea)

…a species of Actiniid sea anemone which is found in the northeastern and eastern Atlantic Ocean. Its range extends from Norway, Scotland and Ireland to the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa, including the Azores, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Strawberry anemones typically inhabit the intertidal and sublittoral zone at depths less than 10 meters (33 ft). They are generally found attached to rocks and boulders. 


Animalia-Cnidaria-Anthozoa-Hexacorallia-Actiniaria-Actiniidae-Actinia-A. fragacea

Image: Nilfanion

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