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Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 July, 2003, 14:56 GMT 15:56 UK
Rapper Beanie Sigel denied bail
Beanie Sigel
Beanie Sigel is a protegee of Jay-Z
US rapper Beanie Sigel has been denied bail on charges of possessing a firearm, despite the intervention of his mentor Jay-Z.

Sigel, 29, whose real name is Dwight Grant, appeared in court in Philadelphia following his arrest for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

Rap star Jay-Z briefly took the stand to ask that his friend be freed to join the Roc the Mic US summer tour, which also features artists 50 Cent and Missy Elliot.

But Sigel, who has scored two top five albums in the US, was ordered to be held without bond and could face three years in jail if convicted.

He has also recently been charged with the attempted murder of a man who was shot outside a Philadelphia bar in a separate incident.

Defend allegations

Sigel surrendered himself to police, where he was arrested and charged and later released on bail.

In the latest incident, authorities allege Sigel attempted to dump his car as police tried to stop him, and later threw a semi-automatic handgun away during a chase.

His lawyer Fortunato Perri Jr has said the rapper is "prepared to defend himself against all allegations".

Jay-Z co-founded Roc-a-Fella Records, with producer Damon Dash, which is home to some of rap's leading artists, including Sigel.

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